- create:
git init
- clone:
git clone git@host:username/repo.git
- Commit all changes:
git commit . -m "message"
- Add all files, including untracked files:
git add -A
- Change message of last commit:
git commit --amend -m "message"
- Create:
git checkout -b new-branch
- Change branches:
git switch branchname
- Change back to previous branch:
git switch -
- Reset when broken:
git reset --hard @{u}
- Warning: this can only be undone using the reflog
Merge and Rebase
Merge = create commit from two parallel tracks of changes; Rebase = Act like changes happened in sequence. Merging is usually faster and works in all situations, but rebase makes the commit history look nicer.
ssh user@host
- Copy to remote:
scp local/file/path user@host:remote/file/path
- Copy from remote:
scp user@host:remote/file/path local/file/path
- Exiting VIM:
Public key authentication
- More secure and less tedious than password authentication (only one password to remember)
- generate key:
- copy key to host:
ssh-copy-id user@host
The SSH-agent
If you are using public key authentication and don’t like typing passwords, add this at the end of your .bashrc
/ .zshrc
/ .profile
(on the client):
eval "$(ssh-agent)"
Next, add into your ~/.ssh/config
(create it if it does not exist):
AddKeysToAgent yes
If you wish to use the same key on the remote (for example, with git), also add this:
User username
ForwardAgent yes